About Me

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I love music, being creative, cooking, reading, and, most of all, spending time with my husband. This blog is a mess. I jump around from topic to topic, but hey...this is my life...a beautiful mess.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Steadily seeing results

James and I are on week two of the C25K program and it is kicking my butt!!!  But, I am really enjoying it!!  I'm exhausted - I'm sore - and most days I just don't want to do it, but I have a great supportive husband that keeps me going.

Yesterday was an especially hard day.  I hurt everyday, still, since the car accident, but life must go on, right?  Yesterday was a terrible one though.  Not only was I hurting but I had a massive headache.  We had to go see the lawyer and then got home late, ate dinner and were about to get around to do our off day workout when my very sweet husband looked across the table at me and said, "Why don't you go run yourself a bath."  Me - "But what about our workout?" Him - "Go run yourself a bath and add all the salts and bubbles and such and just soak.  You'll feel better."  I thought I'd regret not working out, but when I sunk down in my tub all that just soaked away........

As sweet as James is, he doesn't let me cop out.  I didn't want to go running today either, but we went anyway.  And he is running on the treadmill beside me cheering me on the whole way with high fives and "Ok, last 30 seconds," "One more set," and, "We could take it a little faster." :)

Well, now that I've bragged about him and his awesomeness, let's talk the last couple of days.  

This whole "Diet/Eating right" business is actually GETTING EASIER.  It's moved from an effort into habit - GOOD HABITS!!  Now, I get up and make my lunch in the morning (Salad), I don't even consider ordering out at lunch unless it's an unsweet tea or a coffee, and I have been eating breakfast, which for me is really hard.  I don't know about you, but eating breakfast has always been something I struggled with because I could get really nauseated after eating in the morning.  I have motored through it though and I don't get nauseated anymore and I can tell that it helps me to be less hungry come lunch time.  Salads and a piece of fruit are more satisfying at lunch when you don't feel like you could eat everything in sight.

I have also started some daily goals.  My most common recent ones are to have a salad every day.  Even if it's just a small side dish with a full meal.  I look back on meals and realize I could go a week or so without an actual serving of fruits or vegetables in one meal.  Pitiful!!  I've also been drinking lots and LOTS of water, as planned.  Finally, I have been slowly drinking less coffee and more green tea.  I really just want the hot liquid anyway and there are zero calories in my tea!!  I steep it by the cup, add a tea bag, a dash of lemon, and a packet of Truvia (or a half packet if I feel like it) and sip away.   

I've seen a lot of really great results from these daily goals.  My skin is clearer.  I thought I'd never get rid of acne, but I only have the occasional pimple now! I can tell that I look healthier.  I feel better, and I don't crave things the way I used to.

Running and going to workout has been easier as well.  It's more of a habit then a tentative plan.  James and I even got our workout in today when normally we wouldn't have considered it a day with enough time.  I sweated more today than I have during any of our running sessions and it felt good!!  I forget about the pain and exhaustion after I've had a shower and I've recovered. Then I can just look at it as a really great workout.  

There's been progress, and it's not all measured in weight or inches.  I feel better, I can see a difference in myself, and I am loving it.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rewiring My Food Brain

This weight loss program is a whole new ball game for me.  In high school I worked out because I played sports all the time and had someone to kick my butt, blow a whistle, and tell me to take another lap.  Now, I am having to do all this to myself, and I'm not quite the drill sergeant that my former coaches were.  Through this program I have realized that I have a very, very, VERY addictive personality.  I like things the way I like them because...well, I just do.  
This week I am working on rewiring my brain a bit.  Until now I have always wanted the most.  Oh, geez, how this has piled the weight on me.  I can look back on meals that I have eaten and remember the little voice in my head. It goes as follows:

*We ordered pizza and it just arrived.  It's still piping hot!!  Covered in all the most amazing toppings and cheese!!  I take it to the kitchen and grab the biggest plate I can find because I'm really convinced that I'm so hungry that I could eat a piled plate the size of Texas.  I open the box and size up all the slices.  Do I go for the smallest piece?!?!  HECK NO!!!  I want the largest one with the most toppings.  I want the best!! Once that one's on my plate I realize it looks lonely on that big plate....all alone, getting cold....poor thing!!  It needs a buddy!!!  So, I look for the second largest slice and lay it right down next to the other.*

I mean, come on people, you know you've done this before.  We can't stand to see things that are not full!!  We want the excess, we even believe that we need it, or that it's wrong for something to only be half full...or empty, depending on your state of mind.  

I feel a little crazy or OCD sometimes because it actually bothers me when something isn't as full as it's supposed to be.  It looks like the job is only half done!!  For instance, when I go running and I come back and I'm jonesing for some sort fo food, I now reach for an apple, the healthier choice. (Who am I kidding, I never went running before!! :)  )  But I can't just cut my apple into four pieces because it doesn't fill up my plate and I'm still hungry afterward.  Instead I'll cut it up into little slices so that my plate looks fuller and this makes me more satisfied after I'm done.  I mean, is that crazy?!?  Maybe it's a good tactic, because it gets me to where I want to be, but I also want to get out of the mind set of needing everything to be full all the time.  

This week I have been trying to make myself stop all the craziness.  When I fill up my coffee cup in the morning, I measure out my creamer and I don't have to fill my cup up to the brim.  If I get a bowl of cereal, I don't have to fill the bowl with cereal, and then fill the spaces with milk.  I was handling the situation with getting smaller bowls and plates and going ahead and filling those up, but then I feel like I'm just feeding my own addictive habit. 

Basically, I want to be addicted to new things.  

I want to be addicted to the gym, sports bras, running shoes.  I want to be addicted to sweat and how I feel after a long workout.  I want to be addicted to seeing the numbers drop on my scale, and I want to be addicted to where I want to be and then staying there.   If I really want "the best" then I want to be addicted to wanting the best me that I can have, and less crap I don't need!!

I saw a quote the other day on pinterest.com and I loved it!!  I have been telling myself this every day.  When I have a craving I remind myself that, "Your body is not a waste basket....don't treat it like one."  This really hit home with me.  Our bodies are a temple (1 Cor. 6:19 - Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?).  We should not put trash into our bodies that we know darn well harm us or make us less than what we can be.  I have been looking through the old testament and looking at the care and rules that the priests had to follow to keep the temple up to standard. We should treat our bodies the same way.  Clean it up, get it in shape, and treat it with the respect that we should.  We only get one body, why treat it like a dump?!?

Last thing:  James and I just finished the last work out of the first week in C25K and we both did really well!!  We are not going to skip a day tomorrow like we're supposed to because we skipped three this week (meh) to finish up today.  Tomorrow we start the run 2 min walk 2 min workout.  Wish us luck!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tipping the scales at....

....208 lbs!!  Whoa...The day I got on the scale and saw how out of control my weight had gotten I cried.  It was heart breaking to know that I had gotten so lazy.  However, I didn't decide that day to hit the gym and lose the weight.  That day I felt very sorry for myself and I was upset, but a week or so later my husband (such a great man) came up with this plan to run a thing called the Warrior Dash in Platte City, MO, a little town outside of KC, MO.  It is a 5K run in which you climb over walls, cross a moat, jump over a fire pit, and crawl through a mud pit that has barbed wire and ropes over the top, etc. He told me that he wanted to do this run and I said that it sounded like fun, until he informed me that someone died last year during the run. I was quaking and a shaking inside...."please don't ask me to do this with you" was feverishly repeating in my head.  He kept raving about it and how much fun it would be and I realized what was going on.  He really did want me to do it with him, but he didn't want to push me into it.  I sheepishly asked him if he wanted me to join him and he looked me in the eye and said, "I would love it if you would do this with me, you don't have to, but I would love it if you would."  Well, when such a handsome man says something like that to you, you get convinced pretty fast.  Besides, I was extremely flattered that he wanted to do this WITH ME!!

At this point, we are signed up for the 11:00 am run and are training for it. I believe the program we are using is the Couch to 5k and this week we have been running 1 min and walking 2 min 6 times. It's not been too bad!!  The first day of running I was on my last set and felt like I was going to pass out, but the second day of running wasn't nearly as hard.  We finish up with a good hard ab workout and on days that we don't run he lifts, and I do cardio.  The best part is that we are doing it together.

 I have also been on a new eating plan (I don't like to say diet because those have always been so temporary for me).  So far I have lost 14 lbs, but then the Thanksgiving holiday hit and Bob came to visit (for those ladies and gents that don't know, bob is the monthly cycle :) ) so I hadn't been back on the scale to see how much I knew I had gained back.  But getting on this morning I am exactly where I was.

My food plan is as follows:

#1 -  I don't usually eat breakfast, but it's in the plan to slowly start eating more for breakfast and less throughout the day.  There are many dietitians that suggest that eating breakfast is actually one of the best ways to lose weight.  When your body goes for hours over night having not eaten it thinks it is in starvation mode and starts holding to any and all calories that it can get a hold of.  Therefore, if you feed your body well in the morning and let it know that it's gonna get food today it will process those calories and the coming ones with more efficiency.  Don't go crazy with this and assume that it means that you can eat whatever you want for breakfast.  This research clearly shows that eating a balanced meal in the morning can help you lose weight, but don't abuse it!!

#2 -  Drinking plenty of water is very, very, VERY important to shedding pounds.  James, my husband, bought me an early Christmas present that I LOVE so very much!!  He bought us Camelbacks so that when we go to the gym we both have plenty of water and we can stay hydrated during the day.  So far it's been great!!  I love Camelbacks because they don't spill, there's no lid to unscrew while you're running on the treadmill and there's no tipping the bottle, thus no spills down the front of you.
Staying hydrated is important for weight loss because as you do your cardio exercises you are losing water and turning food into energy and waste and the water is what helps move the waste out and replace the hydration you are losing.  Water can also help with other weight problems such as over eating and hunger.  Drinking water throughout the day will keep something in your stomach instead of it being empty then full, empty then full.  Drinking a glass of water before a meal will help you not over eat because your stomach has contents (water) then you don't need as much food to fill it up!

#3 -  If you were to ask my husband, "To Dani, what makes any food taste better?" He'd tell you that I love the taste of pretty food.  I like color in my food - red, yellow, green, and I'm always thrilled with the occasional purple!!!  I love color in my food and the more color in your daily diet, the more nutrition you are getting.  Plus, if you take the time to plate your food nicely you will enjoy eating it more and won't scarf it down.

#4 -  Avoiding eating out is something that James and I have been doing for a while, but for our budget, not our waist line.  I am one of the lucky ones who actually really enjoys cooking.  I love looking for new recipes to try, adding a twist to make it mine, and plating it beautifully.  There's a real feeling of pride to work hard on a meal, present it with flair and hear the "mmmmmmmmm"'s that follow.  Eating in can also be good for your health and body.  Most restaurants, even the fancier ones, use foods that are stuffed with preservatives, were frozen, and are not fresh.  When you cook at home you know that you and your family are getting the freshest ingredients that you could find.   You can replace things in the recipes that you don't like with food that you do, make a recipe healthier, or just tastier and more appealing.

#5 -  I have a salad every day.  Vegetables and fruit are important for a healthy body, so I try to make sure that I have a salad for lunch or a salad with dinner and a piece of fruit every day.  This may sound extremely boring, but I make it fun and tasty.  My coworkers tell me every day how my salads always look good.  I make them pretty because then I want to eat them!!  I always use really green lettuce (no ice burg in sight), nice red tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, olives, and cheese.  Don't freak out about the cheese or the dressing.  Yes, there's fat in it, and yes there's more calories, but pay attention to your serving.  I don't burry my salad in cheese and I don't drown it in dressing.  I get a sprinkling of cheese 1-2 tablespoons of dressing for my salads and that is just fine.  That may not seem like enough dressing, but a good way to stretch the dressing is to put the dressing in a separate bowl, container, whatever.  Dip your fork in dressing, then get a bite of salad.  You get dressing with every bite, and I usually don't even eat all my dressing this way.

I am planning on blogging about my weight loss,  I won't promise every day, but maybe once a week?  It's hard to post where I am now and I hate to post how much I weigh, but I'm going to own it, because when I get to where I want to be, I'll be proud to share my progress.

Here is where I am now.

Height: 5'6"
Original Weight: 208
Current Weight: 197 lbs
First goal: 175 lbs

Total weight lost so far: 13 lbs
To go: 22 lbs

I'm gonna get there....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Exercise and calorie counting

I am a very social person.  I like to do things in groups or, at least, with a partner.  I have struggled with my weight for the last 4 years.  I have steadily gained weight since graduating high school because I played three sports every semester since seventh grade.  I have tried to lose weight and manage my diet for the last four years, but not seriously enough.

The last few days I have been working out and watching calories with the support and participation of my wonderfully amazing husband.  It has been extremely encouraging.  I feel like this time I'll stick with it because we'll do it together.

I'll keep you updated on my progress.  Thanks for taking a moment out of your day.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm not a perfect person.

I never have been.  I get frustrated, angry, vengeful, and downright hateful....because I'm not a perfect person. 

....that is all.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Is it better to teach or learn?

Let's explore:  I was having a conversation today with a coworker about the importance of realizing a lack of knowledge on a subject, being humble enough to admit it, and giving up one's pride enough to phone in all the knowledge of those with more experience.  I made the comment that those who can admit, "My best is not good enough, I still need to learn more," will continue to grow and impress with their ability because they are open to new knowledge, and humble enough to admit their shortcomings. We were referring to the floral industry, but I couldn't help but think about how this applies to our relationship with Christ. 

Sometimes we as "churched people" see ourselves as experts on all things Christianity.  If someone were to have a question, comment, or concern about Christianity we usually immediately chime into the conversation with a comment of our own, an answer, or advise.  While this may be helpful in some sense we are told to "be quick to listen and slow to speak" (James 1:19).  

As I thought about being a student of Christ and what it really means, I formed a mental picture of those who are eager to learn.  They are sitting at the feet of Jesus, the ultimate teacher, with open minds and eager hearts.  They let Jesus fill their hearts with what He would fill them with: knowledge, love, and  understanding.  Then I see the category of people I too often fall into; those of us who would place ourselves between Christ and those so eager to listen.  If we as the "know-it-alls" would just sit our booties down and open our hearts up in the fashion that a baby bird opens its mouth desperately for food, we would receive many more blessings than we do when we try to fabricate and grab them for ourselves.

Teachers can only teach what knowledge they contain in their heads and hearts already.  In order to truly help others grow teachers must grow daily in the Word as well.  

We are to be hungry for the things Christ has prepared for us.  We are to be thirsty for his water of life.  We are to be open to his leading.  We are to be desperate. 

I looked up the word DESPERATE online and these are the things I came up with.  

1. Having lost all hope; despairing.
-Haven't we lost all hope without Christ?
2. Marked by, arising from, or showing despair: the desperate look of hunger; a desperate cry for help.
-We cry out for the help of our Savior.

3. Undertaken out of extreme urgency or as a last resort.
- Most people see Christ as the last resort, when, in fact, he is the only resort. 

4. Nearly hopeless; critical: a desperate illness; a desperate situation.
-We are in a hopeless state without Christ.
My prayer for my walk in Christ is to become more and more desperate for Him every day and live less and less on my own understanding.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6

Other scripture on the topic:

Proverbs 4:1 (Whole Chapter)
Hear, ye children the instruction of a father, and attend to know understandng.
Jeremiah 4:22 (Whole Chapter)
For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Need a reason to smile?

Who doesn't?

We all need a reason to smile at least once a day so that we don't sink down into the doldrums of life.  Smiling boosts endorphins, self confidence, attractiveness, and energy levels.  It an help you live longer and you'll end up with "good" wrinkles in your graying years instead of frown lines, not to mention smiling lifts your facial structure making you appear younger!

Today I have many different reasons to cheese during the day, but here are a few.

I have an awesome job that I love more than any other job I have held or ever hoped to hold down.  I get to be creative every day and do something new every ten minutes!! As you may know I work for a florist in Gladstone (KC) Missouri.  If you're ever needing an arrangement, please place your needs in our capable hands.

Another reason I have to smile is my husband.  James is a light in every day.  I enjoy his company, his intelligence, the way he leads our relationship, and that he works so hard for us.  I love him more and more every day.

Finally, a reason to smile is my best friend.  He has been with me through thick and thin; held my hand when I couldn't stand on my own two feet and was there for me even when I didn't pay any attention to him.  I have not been the friend to him that I need to be, but I am working harder and harder every day to make Jesus not only a larger part of my every day life, but the most important part of my every day life.  Thank You, Jesus, for saving me from myself.

What are your reasons to smile today?  If I haven't given you enough already then try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling. Smiling is contagious, so go spread those smiley germs!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A little tidbit for the day...

Sometimes I'll be driving down the road and hear something that just really strikes me as thought provoking and I'm always looking to see what others think and feel about it.  Usually I post something to twitter or facebook about it but I can never say as much as I'd like because of limited space.  Here, however, I can ramble on and on about whatever I want!!!  Ha!!  I'll try not to bore you all. 

Today I just want to throw something out there about FREEDOM.  What does it mean to you? Did you ever know you might not be free? 

Think about a normal day for you.  Where do you spend the majority of your time, energy, and brain power?  Those things that take up the most time are what you are slave to. 

We are called to be a "bondservant of Christ."  James, in the book of James, titled himself as, "James the bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ." 

Are you being a slave of Christ?  To be a slave of Christ is to be the most free you will have ever felt.  We have freedom in everything through Christ. Freedom in our lives, relationships, our walk, our feelings, and absolutely everything we do.  We have the freedom to live like no one else!!  I heard a song the other day that said something like: to be held tightly by God is to be the most free.

I am a slave of Christ, and I have the freedom to do anything.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13